Warming the cockles
by don | April 10, 2020 | Naturalist's Corner | 2 Comments
No one knows what Western North Carolina will look like post COVID-19, but these mountains have seen much over their millions of years – ice ages, civil war, pandemics, etc. and they are still here. Spring will come with its ephemerals and migrants; summer will flush...
Remember when hope was the thing with feathers?
by don | February 20, 2020 | Naturalist's Corner | 0 Comments
Bobolinks are regular migrants through Western NC and their numbers have declined by more than 60 percent since 1966 - Don Hendershot photo Emily Dickinson wrote of that feathered hope in 1861: “Hope is the thing with feathers - That perches in the soul - And sings...
Buteo jamaicensis
by don | July 12, 2019 | Naturalist's Corner | 0 Comments
Soaring adult red-tail Don Hendershot photo A red-tail by any other name and there are several “named” red-tails. But I dare say for we sons and daughters of the South, simply the word hawk conjures up mental images of Buteo jamaicensis either scanning its...
Windy City peregrines
by don | June 30, 2019 | Naturalist's Corner | 0 Comments
My bride and I spent a few days in Chicago last week. She was there for a business seminar and I was there for moral support. But, alas, I also had work to do so after walking with her to the 737 Building on N. Michigan Ave. I returned to our room and began recording...