by don | Sep 2, 2010
Birders are a restless, impatient lot. From the end of June till the end of August they walk around in a kind of stupor. You will see them occasionally stop shuffling, cock their head with hand cupped behind their ear – then mutter “wren” and shuffle on, or suddenly,...
by don | Aug 26, 2010
On August 17 federal judge Royce C. Lambeth ruled that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s designation of critical habitat for the federally threatened piping plover in areas of the Cape Hatteras National Seashore were in compliance with the Endangered Species Act....
by don | Aug 19, 2010
A week or so ago White House energy adviser Carol Browner was hitting the morning TV circuit, telling anyone who would listen that the majority of the more than 200 million gallons of crude that gushered into the Gulf of Mexico from BP’s Deepwater Horizon blow out on...
by don | Aug 15, 2010
Sometimes I wonder what I’m a gonna do cause there ain’t enough time for all the summertime blues. And by blues I mean all those wonderful summer wildflowers that run the gamut from lavender to blue to violet and purple. Joe-pye, Eupatorium maculatum is raising his...
by don | Aug 15, 2010
Toni Mullany of Waynesville sent me an email the other day noting a guest scoping out her phlox. She described the critter thusly, “It is about the size of a large bumblebee. It is all black. It has furry head and a large proboscis. Its movements are rather slow. ...
by don | Aug 15, 2010
They not only stare at them, they eat them. Well, maybe not all trees, but woody browse in general. Hopefully, this penchant for woody invasives like Canada blackberry will make goats the perfect organic weed-whacker for protecting the grassy balds of the Roan...