Color on high

I occasionally see Smoky Mountain New’s Garrett K. Woodward’s Facebook posts about hitting the trails around WNC for a mind-clearing run and my knees twinge with the memories of similar sorties and the sad recognition that without surgery those days are lost. But,...

Beige – the new orange

Neotropical migrants can be flashy things – think scarlet tanager, Baltimore oriole, rose-breasted grosbeak or those tiny butterflies of the bird world like American redstart, blackburnian warbler, hooded warbler and northern parula, just to name a few. And...

Avian adventures

What better way to spring into the season than chasing migrants across Western North Carolina? I was with the Franklin Bird Club at Kituwah on April 27 and we had beautiful weather and good birding. I had teased that trip by noting that Kituwah is one of the most...

April week 3 Catamounts

Nothing stirs tales of “wild” Appalachia quite like the mention of “painters.” This article was written before a DNA study of cougars – that may change the way biologists think – in terms of race and/or subspecies of Puma concolor. We will catch up with the catamount...

The swamp a ghost saved

Yay! Spring Break! That special time to be sequestered with adolescents and/or pre-adolescents in about 50 square feet while hurtling down the highway at 70 m.p.h. “What?” “Take the ear buds out.” “What?” “He said you have ear bugs.” “I do not have ear bugs, and...

A Golden secret

There is one winter visitor to our North Carolina Mountains that is probably happy the Blue ridge Parkway is closed and is not burgeoning with sightseers and thrill seekers like it is the rest of the year. That visitor would be Aquila chrysaetos canadensis, the North...