Arrrggghh – a wintry mix

Arrrggghh – a wintry mix

Limeade, tequila and cointreau is not a wintry mix – that is a margarita; something you may resort to when a wintry mix turns your driveway into a sheet of ice. The ingredients for a wintry mix are a combination of two or more of these types of frozen/freezing...
I feel the earth move…

I feel the earth move…

It may not have shaken the Richter scale like the stampede of Republican lawmakers and their realtor and developer lobbyists in Raleigh back in 2011, clamoring to cut funding for the State’s Landslide Hazard Mapping (LHM) program; but there were more than 50...
Up in flames?

Up in flames?

I sit this morning being bathed in luxurious rain. The kind of life-affirming, life-giving rain the Smokies are noted for. A quick run to town watching the rain cascading down the asphalt, clear here and muddy red there, being sucked in circles down storm gutters or...
Deserving of a closer look

Deserving of a closer look

Only you can apply the brakes to slow down the Courthouse Timber Sale and get everyone to take a closer look. This sale – scheduled for nearly 500 acres in the Pisgah National Forest near the foot of Devils Courthouse – has been through the various assessment...
Friends, feathers and fellowship

Friends, feathers and fellowship

Friday December 28 was the date of the eleventh annual Balsam Christmas Bird Count (CBC) – 11 dates but 10 actual counts as the 2009 CBC was cancelled due to inclement weather (snow, high winds and temperatures in the teens.) This year’s weather was much better for...
When it’s good to be threatened

When it’s good to be threatened

I wrote about wood storks, Mycteria americana, back in August of this year after a trip to Isle of Palms in South Carolina ( It was really cool to see these large prehistoric-looking birds cruising over...