by don | Dec 19, 2012
(You may need your children to help you read this) The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is a great wilderness of about a half-million square acres. It has been the mission of the Park to preserve the thousands of species of plants and animals that live there...
by don | Dec 13, 2012
Ladies and gentlemen return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts. Spaceship Earth will be screeching to a stop at 6:12 a.m. EST, December 21. After we’re stopped, feel free to unclick; go to the restroom; get up and stretch your legs; we will be stopped for awhile...
by don | Dec 7, 2012
First Mate McConnell: “Cap’n the ship is headed straight for that iceberg and there’s no way we kin stop her in time!” Boehner: “Don’t worry mate. I have a plan.” FM McConnell: “What kin we do?” Capt. Boehner: “Open all the bilges. We’ll sequester...
by don | Nov 29, 2012
Don’t know why but the last two birding trips to Tessentee Bottomland Preserve in Macon County (last Nov. and last Sunday (Nov. 25) have been rushed affairs – allowing about two-and-a-half hours of birding from 9:30 a.m. to 12 noon. Now, of course, two-and-a-half...
by don | Nov 22, 2012
Back in spring of 2011 I wrote about a wetlands restoration project at Lake Junaluska – Candace Stimson, in order to fulfill her Low Impact Development degree at Haywood Community College,...
by don | Nov 17, 2012
Early mornings kind of go with the territory around here. With work, kids and the never-ending list of chores every homeowner has the wee hours are often the only time one has to exhale. But I’m a crepuscular creature and that suits me just find. Last Sunday morning...